There's too much to do!
Tha tuilleadh ’s a’ choir ri dhèanamh!
Let's have a look at this discussion. By the end of this section, you will have learned some valuable phrases that you can use in lots of different conversations.

Dash (it).

Nach eil an clò–bhualadair sin ag obrachadh, Fhionnlaigh?
Isn't that printer working, Finlay?

Chan eil! Mar a thuirt mi an latha roimhe, tha tuilleadh ’s a’ choir ri dhèanamh.
It isn't. As I said the other day, there's too much to do.

An do bhruidhinn thu ri Dolina? Tha fios aice mar a tha an teicneòlas air fad ag obair san oifis seo agus tha uallach oirre air a shon.
Did you speak to Dolina? She knows how all the technology works in this office and she has responsibility for it.

Dolina? Dh'fhòn mi thuice, chuir mi teacsa thuice agus chuir mi post–d thuice, dìreach airson a bhith cinnteach.
Dolina? I phoned her, I sent her a text and I sent her an e–mail, just to be sure.

Agus dè thuirt i?
And what did she say?

Cha do fhreagair i am fòn aice, cha do fhreagair i an teacsa agam agus fhuair mi teachdaireachd 'air falbh bhon oifis' bhuaipe air a' phost–d.
She didn't answer her phone, she didn't answer my text and I got an out–of–office email from her.

Duilich! Dhìochuimhnich mi innse dhut gu bheil trèanadh aice ri choileanadh agus bidh i dheth an–diugh agus a–màireach!
Sorry! I forgot to tell you that she has training to complete [fulfil] and she'll be off today and tomorrow!

Uill, tha obair agamsa ri dèanamh. Nach eil daoine a' tuigsinn cho teann ’s a tha cùisean? Teicneòlas! Daoine aig a bheil uallach air a shon agus chan eil iad an seo!
Well, I have work to do. Don't people understand how tight things are? Technology! People with responsibility for it and they're not here!

Air do shocair, Fhionnlaigh! Chan eil ùin' againn a bhith a' feitheamh. Tha mi a' tuigsinn sin. Tha companaidh ann aig a bheil uallach air a shon nuair a bhios i dheth. Fònaidh mi thuca.
Hold your horses, Finlay! We don't have time to wait, I understand that. There's a company with responsibility for that when she's away. I'll phone them.

Glè mhath. Bhiodh sinn na b' fheàrr le peann is pàipear—agus fòn—ag amannan, saoilidh mi! Tapadh leat, a Mhairead.
Very good. We'd be better with pen and paper, and a phone at times! Thank you Mairead.

'S e do bheatha, Fhionnlaigh.
You're welcome, Finlay.