Will this make me laugh?
An toir seo gàire orm?
Let's have a look at this discussion. By the end of this section, you will have learned some valuable phrases that you can use in lots of different conversations.

Thug an ath rud a thuirt e gàire orm! Bheir seo gàire ortsa!
The next thing that he said made me laugh. This will make you laugh!

An toir? An toir seo gàire orm? Siuthad!
Will it? Will this make me laugh? Go on!

Bheir, gu dearbh! Thuirt e gun do ghoid cuilean beag am parsail agus ruith e air falbh leis. Chuir e iongnadh orm gun canadh e a leithid.
It will indeed! He said that a little puppy stole the parcel and ran away with it. It surprised me that he'd say such a thing.

Tha siud doirbh a chreidsinn, saoilidh mi! Cò chreideadh sgeul mar sin?
That's hard to believe! Who'd believe a story like that?

Tha fios ’am. Chuir na thuirt e fearg orm, feumaidh mi ràdh. Ach rinn mi gàire nuair a chuala mi an ath rud.
I know. What he said angered me, I have to say. But then I laughed when I heard the next thing.

Agus dè bha siud?
And what was that?

Thuirt e ris a' chuilean, 'An do chuir an turas thall thairis an cianalas ort?'. Thòisich an cuilean a' comhartaich mar gun robh e a' lachanaich!
He said to the puppy, 'Did your trip abroad make you homesick?'. Then the puppy starting barking as though he were laughing!

Ach fhathast cha d' fhuair thu am parsail. Chuireadh sin fearg ormsa! Carson nach d' fhuair e am parsail dhut, ma-thà?
But you still didn't get the parcel. That would make me angry! Why didn't he get the parcel for you, then?

Tha fhios. Uill 's e cuilean mo nàbaidh a th' ann. Agus fhad 's a bha sinn a' bruidhinn cò thàinig chun a' gheata ach i fhèin agus an cuilean—leis a' pharsail! Thug sin toileachas dhomh.
I know. Well, it's my neighbour's puppy. And as we were talking, who came to the gate, but herself and the puppy—with the parcel. That made me happy.

Uill, rinn mise gàire nuair a chuala mi sin. Mar sin, 's dòcha an dèidh na tlachd, toileachais agus sonais a thug sin dhut, a bheil barail nas fheàrr agad air an duine a-nis?
Well, I laughed when I heard that! So, after the pleasure, contentment and happiness that gave you, do you have a better opinion of the man now?