Feelings - Dèanta!
Faireachdainnean - Dèanta!
Meal do naidheachd! | Congratulations!
Obair mhòr! Math dha–rìribh!
- You should now be confident in the following:
- giving your opinion about people | a' toirt do bheachd air daoine eile
- describing other people's character | a' toirt cunntas air caractar dhaoine eile
- saying how something someone said makes you feel | ag innse mar a thug na thuirt cuideigin ort faireachdainn
- using various structures to describe how you feel | a' cleachdadh diofar structaran airson innse mar a tha thu a' faireachdainn
- talking about people's reaction to stories or jokes | a' bruidhinn air mar a tha daoine a' gabhail ri sgeulachdan no fealla-dhà
- talking about humour | a' bruidhinn air àbhachdas