They have ... me

Tha iad air mo …

We saw this structure, using  air  and the possessive adjectives, in A2 Cuspair 7:  Tha e air a dhèanamh  (It is done). This has a passive meaning, where the possessive adjective always refers back to the gender and number of the subject,  mi + moe + a , etc. 

With verbal nouns of feeling, we can use this structure with a  perfect tense  meaning to say what something or someone has made someone else feel.

Tha iad air mo nàrachadh.
They have embarrassed me.
Chan eil sinn air a shàsachadh.
We have not satisfied him
An robh e air do shàrachadh?
Had he worn you out?
Bidh sibh air ar sàrachadh!
You will have worn us out!
Bidh i air a ghonadh.
She will have wounded him.
Bha i air a gonadh fhèin.
She had hurt herself.