What's making you so wild today?
Dè tha a' toirt ort a bhith cho fiadhaich an-diugh?
Let's have a look at this discussion. By the end of this section, you will have learned some valuable phrases that you can use in lots of different conversations.
Daingead! Tha mi air mo shàrachadh leis an obair seo!
Dash it! I'm totally worn out with this work!
Obh, obh! Dè tha a' toirt ort a bhith cho fiadhaich an-diugh?
O, O! What's making you so wild today?
Och tha mi dìreach a' faireachdainn gu bheil an t-àm ann an obair seo fhàgail. Tha mi brònach leis gu bheil an dà cho-obraiche—an dà charaid as fheàrr a bh' agam riamh—air falbh thall thairis.
Och, I'm just feeling that it's time to leave this job. I am sad because my two colleagues—my two best friends ever—have gone abroad.
Agus? Tha sinn beò ann an saoghal an eadar-lìn, nach eil?
And? We live in in the world of the internet, don't we?
Tha deagh fhios ’am air a sin. Ach air aon làimh tha mi brònach—tha mi tùrsach—a chionn 's nach fhaic mi tuilleadh iad ach air Zoom, agus air an làimh eile tha mi iomagaineach.
I know that very well. But on the one hand I'm really sad because I'll only see them on Zoom, and on the other hand I'm worried.
Carson a tha iomagain ort?
Why are you worried?
A chionn 's gun robh mi teagmhach nach biodh an obair seo comasach le dithis san oifis.
Because I was doubtful that this work wouldn't be doable/possible with two people in the office.
Carson a bha thu teagmhach? Tha cùisean nas sàmhaiche a-nis, nach eil?
Why were you doubtful? Things are quieter now, aren't they?
Tha, ach tha tuilleadh 's a' chòir obair ann fhathast. Bha mi teagmhach, agus a-nis tha amharas agam gu bheil mi ceart.
They are, but there's still too much work. I was doubtful, and now I suspect that I am right.
Uill dh'fhaodte gu bheil thu amharasach gun adhbhar. Tha mise an seo airson taic a thoirt dhut trì làithean san t-seachdain. Tha mi an dòchas gum bi thu air do riarachadh leis an obair agamsa.
Well, perhaps you're suspicious without reason. I'm here to assist you three days a week. I hope you'll be pleased with my work.
Gun teagamh, tha mi riaraichte mar-thà. Dall ort!
Without a doubt, I'm satisfied already. On you go!