What do you think of our new postie?
Dè do bheachd air a' phost' ùr againn?
Let's have a look at this discussion. By the end of this section, you will have learned some valuable phrases that you can use in lots of different conversations.

Dè do bheachd air a' phost' ùr againn?
What do you think of our new postie?

Cò? Fear na feusaig(e) ruaidh(e)?
Who? The man with the red beard?

Sin e.
That's him.

Chan eil mi cinnteach às, idir, idir. 'S ann a tha mi gu math mì-chinnteach às.
I'm not sure of him, at all. In fact, I am very unsure of him.

Carson? Tha mi cinnteach gu bheil sgeul agad!
Why? I'm sure you have a story!

Ghlac e mo shùil anns a' bhùth an latha roimhe. Bha drèin air agus an ath rud thàinig plìon air aodann 's e a' coimhead orm. Chan eil mi ag ràdh gun robh an t-eagal orm roimhe ach bha iomagain orm.
He caught my attention the other day in the shop. He had a frown, and then the next thing a smirk came over his face as he was looking at me. I'm not saying that I was frightened of him, but I was anxious.

Bha dùil agam gur e duine caran diùid, sàmhach a bh' ann. Nach e?
I thought he was kind of a shy, quiet man. Isn't he?

Tha amharas agamsa gur e duine carach, neònach a th' ann.
I suspect that he's a shifty, odd man.

Cùm ort, ma-thà!
Keep going, then!

Chan e siud an aona rud a thachair. An-dè, cha do nochd am parsail a bha mi ag iarraidh, agus thuirt e rium gun do dh'fhàg e e air beulaibh an dorais a’ bhon-dè.
That wasn't the only thing that happened. Yesterday, the parcel I was wanting didn't appear, and he said to me that he left it in front of the door the day before yesterday.

Agus an robh sgeul air a' pharsail?
And was there any sign of the parcel?

Cha robh. Bha mise a-staigh fad an latha a' bhòn-dè, agus nuair a thuirt mi sin ris, cha robh sgeul air aithreachas no tàmailt no nàire air aodann.
No. I was in all day the day before yesterday, and when I said that to him, there was no sign of regret, embarrassment or shame on his face.