That film really scared you!
Chuir am fiolm sin an dearg-eagal ort!
Let's have a look at this discussion. By the end of this section, you will have learned some valuable phrases that you can use in lots of different conversations.

A bheil cuimhn' agad air an turas mu dheireadh a chaidh sinn a dh'fhaicinn fiolm?
Do you remember the last time we went to see a film?

Tha gu dearbh. Chuir am fiolm sin an dearg-eagal ort!
I do indeed. That film really scared you!

Chan e gun do chuir am fiolm an dearg-eagal orm, tha dubh-ghràin agam air an actar sin.
It isn't that the film really scared me, I just can't abide [lit. hate] that actor.

Chan eil e cho dona ri sin. Chan e dearg-amadan a th' ann mar a tha anns an fhear eile. Am fear air a bheil thu fhèin measail. Seonaidh Cò?
He's not as bad as that. He's not the utter fool that the other guy is. The guy that you like. Jonny Who?

Tha esan fìor mhath!
He's really good!

Agus an uair sin thàinig thu a-mach às an taigh-bheag agus bhuail an doras annad. Brag!
And then you came out of the toilet and the door hit you. Bang!

Tha deagh chuimhn' agam! Agus an uair sin bha sùil dhubh agam an ath-latha.
I very well remember! And then I had a black eye the next day.

Uill, a-nochd, chan fheum sinn a dhol a-mach. Chan fheum sinn èisteachd ri daoine a' gearain nas motha.
Well tonight, we don't have to go out. We don't have to listen to anyone complaining either.

Carson nach fheum sinn a dhol a-mach?
Why don't we have to go out?

A chionn 's gun d' fhuair mi dòrlach de DVDan bhom phiuthar. Agus tha mi 'n dòchas nach cuir iad an dearg-eagal no dubh-ghràin oirnn!
Because I got a pile of DVDs from my sister. And I hope that they won't scare or anger us!

Nach buidhe dhuinn!
Good for us/Lucky us!