Do you enjoy holidays?

A bheil làithean-saora a’ còrdadh riut?

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A bheil làithean-saora a’ còrdadh riut?

Do you enjoy holidays?

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Chan eil.


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Nach eil làithean-saora a’ còrdadh riut?

Don’t you enjoy holidays?

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Tha. Anna, cò tha a’ faighneachd cheistean mar sin?

Yes. Anne, who asks questions like that?

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’S gorm na cnuic a tha fada bhuainn.

The grass is always greener on the other side (The hills that are far from us are blue green.

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Tha làithean-saora nas fheàrr na obair! An do chòrd Inbhir Pheofharain ribh?

Holidays are better than work! Did you enjoy Dingwall?

Cha do chòrd. Chòrd Inbhir Nis rium!

I did not. I liked Inverness!