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Around the World

Around the World

Around the World - Dèanta! Around the World - Dèanta!

Meal do naidheachd! | Congratulations!

You’ve earned 14734104 points

sg-star +14734104
  • Math dha-rìribh! You should now be confident in the following:
    • I can ask where someone is from using An ann à?.
    • I can say where I and others are from using ’S ann à..
    • I know a range of place names.
    • I know a range of countries around the world.
    • I can describe and compare places.
    • I can ask people if they  enjoyed a place.
    • I can ask where people were born and where they were raised.
    • I can make comparisons when talking about places.

Let’s build on what we’ve learnt and move onto Seasons.


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