When looking for work, writing a curriculum vitae or making a job application requires us to describe ourselves, our experience, our hobbies and our skills. Some specific vocabulary is needed for discussing job applications and interviews.
There were a few words and phrases there which you can use when talking about Iarrtasan is agallamhan (Applications and interviews).
a’ sireadh (vn)
seeking, searching
cunntas–beatha (m)
curriculum vitae
agallamh (m)
tagradh (m)
application, appeal
tuarastal (m)
tuairisgeul obrach (m)
job description
iarrtas (m)
cùmhnant (m)
Let’s look at some of them again in context.
A bheil thu air a bhith a’ sireadh obair sam bith …?
Have you been looking for any work …?
A’ cur iarrtasan a–steach
Putting applications in
Chunnaic mi sanas–obrach
I saw a job advert
Bhithinn a’ sgrùdadh nan tuairisgeulan obrach an sin
I would often scour (examine, scrutinise) the job descriptions on there.
… Gur e obair dhùbhlanach, shàrachail, iarrtach a bhiodh ann
… it would be challenging, exhausting and demanding work
… An e obair thaitneach, thlachdmhor, shàsachail a dh’fhaodadh a bhith ann?
… could it be pleasant, enjoyable and satisfying work?
Cùmhnant bliadhna ann a ghabhas ùrachadh
A year’s contract that can be renewed
Cuin a dh’fheumas iarrtasan a bhith a–staigh?
When do applications have to be in?
Cha do rinn mi cunntas–beatha
I haven’t done a CV
Cha do chuir mi iarrtas a–steach do dhreuchd sam bith o chionn ùineachan!
Or a put in an application for a job in ages!
Ach dè mu dheidhinn an agallaimh?
But what about the interview?
We’ll catch up with some more of these as we progress through this lesson, but for now let’s add some new words to our list:
tagraiche (m)
candidate, applicant voluntary interviewer
saor–thoileach (adj)
agallamhaiche (m)
geàrr–chunntas (m)
summary, minute(s)
cuairt–litir (f)
pàirt–thìde (adj)