An dàrna turas: Out of here!
Take two: Mach à seo!
Let's return to our conversation.

Haidh, a Mhàiri.
Hi, Màiri.

'S math d' fhaicinn, Fhionnlaigh.
It's good to see you, Finlay.

Seo na rudan buidhe a gheall mi.
Here are the yellow things I promised.

Tapadh leat. Am fàg thu iad san t-seada air cùlaibh na bùtha?
Thank you. Would you (will you) leave them in the shed behind the shop?

Fàgaidh, gu dearbh.
I will (leave).

Tapadh leat. Sgoinneil! Tha mi deiseil a-nis.
Thank you. Terrific! I'm finished (ready) now.