What did they say?

Dè thuirt iad?

We often talk about what other people said in conversations. When learning a language, we may also need to ask what someone said, or ask them to repeat something. We use the verbs can (say) and abair (say) to do this. 

For what someone said (past tense) we use the irregular verb abair , but for what someone says or will say most people use the verb can (although abair is used by some people). 


An tuirt?  
Did say? 
Cha tuirt  
Didn't say 
An abair?  
Will say? Do say? 
Will say / Says 
Chan abair  
Won't say / Don’t say 


An can?  
Will say? Do say? 
Will say / Says 
Cha chan  
Won't say / Don’t say 

Here are some useful examples 

Dè thuirt thu? An can thu a-rithist e?
What did you say? Can (will) you say it again?
Dè thuirt thu? An can thu sin a-rithist?
What did you say? Can (will) you say that again?
An can thu sin sa Ghàidhlig?
Will you say that in Gaelic?
Ciamar a chanas tu sin sa Ghàidhlig?
How do you say that in Gaelic?
Canaidh. Thuirt mi gu bheil mi deiseil.
I can (will). I said that I am ready/finished.
An cuala tu na naidheachdan an-diugh?
Did you hear the news today?
An cuala tu na thuirt Uilleam an-dè?
Did you hear what William said yesterday?
An cuala tu an naidheachd aig Raonaid an t-seachdain-sa?
Did you hear Rachel's news this week?
An cuala tu Ailean a' bruidhinn aig a' cho-labhairt Disathairne?
Did you hear Allan talking at the conference on Saturday?
An cuala tu an t-òrdugh sin airson piotsa?
Did you hear the pizza order (order for pizza)?
I did (I heard)
Cha chuala
I didn't (I didn't hear)

And if someone wants to leave a message, another handy phrase is innsidh mi … (I will tell …) or canaidh miri (I will say … to) 

Innsidh mi dha
I will tell him
Innsidh mi dhi
I will tell her
Innsidh mi dhaibh
I will tell them
Canaidh mi sin ris
I'll say that to him
Canaidh mi sin rithe
I'll say that to her
Canaidh mi sin riutha
I'll say that to them

And if you have already left the message: 

Thuirt mi sin ris
I told him that
Thuirt mi sin rithe
I told her that
Thuirt mi sin riutha
I told them
Dh'innis mi dha gun robh a' bhùth a' fosgladh aig ochd.
I told him that the shop was opening at eight.
Thuirt mi rithe gun robh am post air falbh
I told her that the post/mail had gone
Thuirt mi riutha gu bheil coinneamh ann
I told them that there is a meeting
Thuirt mi ris gum bi sinn a' falbh aig naoi uairean
I told him that we will be leaving at nine o'clock.