You work in the town/city, don't you?
Bidh thusa ag obair anns a' bhaile, nach bi?
Let's have a look at this discussion. By the end of this section, you will be able to have this conversation! It's full of useful phrases that you can adapt to suit a whole range of situations.
Halò, Fhionnlaigh.
Hallo, Finlay.
Haidh, a Mhàiri. Dè tha dol?
Hi, Màiri. What's doing?
Bidh thusa ag obair anns a' bhaile, nach bi?
You work in the town/city, don't you?
Bidh gu dearbh. Tha mi a' fuireach agus ag obair ann an Dùn Èideann an-dràsta.
I do indeed. I'm working and living in Edinburgh just now.
'S e sin a bha mi a' smaoineachadh.
That's what I was thinking.
Tha mi ag obair pàirt-ùine anns a' bhùth bhuidhe ri taobh a' Chaisteil. 'S e dràibhear a th' annam. Uaireannan bidh mi ag obair anns an oifis.
I'm working part-time in the yellow shop beside the Castle. I'm a driver. Sometimes I work in the office.
Tha sin feumail.
That's handy.
Uill tha fhios agad gu bheil bùth agam.
Well, you know I have a shop.
Tha cuimhn' agam.
I remember.
Tha mo phiuthar na dotair ann am Port Rìgh. Tha i ag obair anns an ospadal an sin. Tha an Dotair Mac an t-Saoir a' leigeil dheth a dhreuchd. Tha i ag iarraidh na rudan buidhe a bhios tu a’ reic airson a' phàrtaidh aca.
My sister is a doctor in Portree. She works at the hospital there. Doctor Macintyre is retiring. She wants the yellow things that you sell for their party.
Bidh mi a' tighinn a Phort Rìgh an ath-sheachdain. Fàgaidh mi iad aig a' bhùth agad.
I'll be coming to Portree next week. I'll leave them at your shop.
Bhiodh sin math. Bidh mi ann. Tha mi ag obair anns a' bhùth làn-ùine, a h-uile latha ach Didòmhnaich.
That would be good. I'll be there. I work in the shop full-time, every day except Sunday.
Chì mi an-ath-sheachdain thu!
I'll see you next week!
Chì gu dearbh. Tapadh leat!
You will indeed. Thank you!