The workplace - complete
Àitichean obrach-Dèanta!
You should now be confident about:
A' bruidhinn air àitichean obrach | Talking about workplaces
You have learnt to talk about àitichean obrach (workplaces) in Gaelic. Why not take this mini-test to see how well you're doing?
Let's move on to learn to talk about aig obair bhon dachaigh (working in the house/working from home)?
Àitichean obrach-Dèanta!
You should now be confident about:
A' bruidhinn air àitichean obrach | Talking about workplaces
You have learnt to talk about àitichean obrach (workplaces) in Gaelic. Why not take this mini-test to see how well you're doing?
Let's move on to learn to talk about aig obair bhon dachaigh (working in the house/working from home)?