Are you working from home today?
A bheil thu ag obair bhon dachaigh an-diugh?
Let's have a look at this discussion. By the end of this section, you will be able to have this conversation! It's full of useful phrases that you can adapt to suit a whole range of situations.

Halò, Anna. A bheil thu ag obair bhon dachaigh an-diugh?
Hallo, Anne. Are you working from home today?

Haidh, Iain. Tha gu dearbh.
Hi, John. I am indeed.

Ciamar a chaidh dhut leis an agallamh?
How did you get on with the interview?

Uill bha mi rud beag iomagaineach mu dheidhinn. Ach chaidh gu math. Chan eil fhios agam fhathast an robh mi soirbheachail.
Well, I was a little bit worried about it. But it went well. I don't know yet if I was successful.

Glè mhath.

Ach chan eil mi cho cinnteach mu dheidhinn a bhith ag obair ann an oifis co-dhiù.
But I'm not sure about working in an office anyway.


'S toil leam am Bothan. Chan eil mi a' cosg airgead - no ùine - air siubhal.
I like the Bothy. I don't spend money - or time - on travelling.

Nach eil fhios agam? Cha toil leam a bhith a' dol dhan oifis nuair a bhios droch shìde ann.
Don't I know it! I don't like going to the office when the weather's bad (when there is bad weather).

Gheibh mi fois. Bidh mi a' dèanamh barrachd obrach ma bhios mi trang - gun duine faisg orm.
I get peace. I do more work if I'm busy - without anyone near me.

Tha fhios agam. Ach nuair a bhios daoine eile anns an taigh, agus tha mi trang, chan fhaigh mi fois.
I know. And when there are other people in the house, and I'm busy, I can't get peace.

Tha mi leat!
I'm with you!

Agus 's toil leam a bhith a' faighinn a-mach dè tha a' tachairt san oifis. Mar sin, bidh mi a’ dol dhan oifis turas no dhà san t-seachdain.
And I like to be finding out what's happening in the office. So I go in once or twice a week.

'S toil leamsa a bhith cofhurtail. Bidh mi a' cur orm na slioparan agam agus a' cur an coimpiutair air!
I like to be comfortable. I put on my slippers and put on the computer!