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Complete for 2 points

Dè rinn mi an-diugh?

What did I do today?

Let’s consolidate what we have learnt.

Dè rinn mi an-diugh?

What did I do today?

Dh’èirich thu ro thràth agus tha thu sgìth a-nise

You got up too early and now you are tired.

Dè rinn thu an t-seachdain sa?

What did you do this week?

Chaidh mi don Leargaidh Ghallda

I went to Largs

Dè rinn e an-dè?

What did he do yesterday?

Thàinig Seòras dhachaigh

George came home

Dè rinn i a’ bhòn-dè?

What did she do the day before yesterday?

Dh’ith i guga

She ate guga

Dè rinn sinn a-raoir?

What did we do last night?

Chuir sinn buntàta agus glasraich sa ghàrradh

We planted potatoes and vegetables in the garden

Dè rinn sibh a’ bhòn-raoir

What did you do the night before last?

Thòisich sinn mìrean-measgaichte

We started a jigsaw puzzle

Dè rinn iad an t-seachdain sa chaidh

What did they do last week?

Chunnaic iad ròin faisg air Ealaghol

They saw seals near Elgol

Dè rinn Raonaid a’ mhìos sa chaidh?

What did Rachel do last month?

Fhuair i an cnatan, a bhrònag bhochd!

She got the cold, the poor soul

Dè rinn Mgr Mac na Ceàrdaich an-uiridh

What did Mr Sinclair do last year?

Cheannaich e càr spaideil

He bought a smart car