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Complete for 2 points

Ciamar a tha cùisean?

How are things?

Let’s have a look at this conversation. By the end of this short section, you will be able to have this conversation!

Dè tha dol agad, a bhalaich? What’s doing, young man?
Chan eil guth ri ràdh, ‘ille! Dè tha a’ tachairt? Nothing to report, young man! What’s happening?
Chan eil mòran! Not much!
Gabh mo leisgeul, Iain. Tha mi duilich gun robh mi fadalach. Apologies, John. I’m sorry I was late.
Na gabhaibh dragh. Tha sin ceart gu leòr. Don’t worry. That’s OK.
Fhionnlaigh! Ciamar a tha cùisean, a charaid? Finlay! How are things, my friend?
Tha cùisean gu math. Tha cùisean gasta, a nighean! Dè do naidheachd? All going well. Matters are terrific. lassie. What’s your news?
Na bi mì-mhodhail! Chan eil mòran! Don’t be cheeky! Nothing much!