Do you remember this party?
A bheil cuimhne agad air a’ phàrtaidh seo?
Let’s have a look at this conversation. By the end of this short section, you will be able to have this conversation.
Tha fios a’m gu bheil thu eòlach air Peigi, Iain!
I know you know Peigi, John.
Chan aithne dhomh i.
I don’t know her
Tha cuimhne aig Peigi ortsa, Iain.
Peggy remembers you, John.
A bheil fios agad air an seo? Chan eil cuimhne agam oirre!
Do you know this? I don’t remember her!
Chan eil fios agam carson nach eil cuimhne agad air Peigi, tha i cracte!
I don’t know how you don’t remember Peggy, she is crackers!
Tha fios agam ach tha i cho laghach. Bha i a’ bruidhinn mu phàrtaidhean. A bheil cuimhne agad air pàrtaidh ann an Sruighlea dà bhliadhna air ais, Fhionnlaigh?
I know but she is so kind. She was talking about parties. Do you remember a party in Stirling two years ago, Finlay?
Ò, tha. Tha cuimhne agam air. Tha fios aig Peigi cò ris a tha mi coltach. Tha cuimhne agam gun deach mi dhachaigh ach chaidh mi dhan taigh cheàrr.
Oh, yes. I remember it. Peggy knows what I am like. I remember I went home and went to the wrong house.
Tha fios againn uile cò ris a tha thu coltach.
We all know what you are like.