Do you normally go to the police station?
An àbhaist dhut a dhol gu stèisean a' phoileis?
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An àbhaist dhut a dhol gu stèisean a' phoileis, Fhionnlaigh?
Do you usually go to the police station, Finlay?

Chan àbhaist! Dè tha ceàrr oirbh, Anna? An àbhaist dhuibh a bhith cho mì-mhodhail?
I don’t usually! What is wrong with you Anne? Are you usually so cheeky?

Chan àbhaist dhomh a bhith faisg air luchd-eucoir. An àbhaist dhut bruidhinn ri luchd-eucoir, Iain?
I am not usually around criminals. Do you usually speak to criminals, Iain?

Haoidh, Anna! Chan eil seo laghach idir. Nach àbhaist dhuibh a bhith coibhneil?
Hey, Anne! That’s not kind at all. Aren’t you usually kind?

’S àbhaist. Tha mi duilich, Fhionnlaigh. Tha mi cho sgìth ri seann chù. Chan àbhaist dhomh èirigh an dèidh trì uairean a thìde de chadal. Cia mheud uair a thìde de chadal an àbhaist dhutsa faighinn?
I usually am. I am sorry, Finlay. I am as tired as an old dog. I don’t normally get up after three hours of sleep. How many hours of sleep do you usually get?