Do you know Mary?
An aithne dhut Màiri?
Let’s have a look at this conversation. By the end of this short section, you will be able to have this conversation!
Nach àbhaist dhut cadal?
Don’t you normally sleep?
’S àbhaist. An aithne dhut Màiri?
Usually. Are you acquainted with Mary?
’S aithne. Tha mi eòlach oirre.
Yes. I know her.
Tha mi eòlach air Màiri. ’S e caraid dhomh a th’ innte. An aithne dhut a piuthar, Peigi?
I know Mary. She is a friend of mine. Are you acquainted with her sister, Peggy?
Chan aithne. Cha do choinnich mi riamh rithe.
No. I have never met her.
Uill. Is aithne dhòmhsa Peigi. Choinnich mi rithe a-raoir agus a-nise tha mi eòlach oirre.
Well, I am acquainted with Peggy. I met her last night and now I know her.
Uill, uill, uill. Dè rinn sibh a-raoir, Anna?
Well, well, well. What did you do last night, Anne?
Chaidh sinn dhan taigh-seinnse.
We went to the pub.
An robh sibh ag òl?
Were you drinking?
Bha. Dh’òl mi cus. Chan àbhaist dhomh cus òl.
Yes. I drank too much. I don’t usually drink too much.
Ahhh, Anna bhochd. A bheil sibh sgìth?
Awww, poor Anne. Are you tired?
Tha. Chaidh mi dhachaigh aig ceithir uairean sa mhadainn. Is àbhaist dhomh a bhith a’ dol dhan leabaidh aig deich uairean.
Yes. I drank too much. I went to bed at four a.m. I. normally go to bed at ten o’clock.
Ahhh, Anna. Thoiribh dhomh ur làmh.
Aww, Anne. Give me your hand.