Are you acquainted with Malcolm?
An aithne dhut Calum?
There were a whole heap of new questions there. Don’t worry, we will break them down bit by bit.
An aithne dhut Calum?
Are you acquainted with Malcolm?
Nach aithne dhut Calum?
Are you not acquainted with Malcolm?
’S aithne dhomh Calum
I am acquainted with Malcolm
Chan aithne dhomh Calum
I am not acquainted with Malcolm
We have met eòlach air before.
A bheil thu eòlach air Calum?
Do you know Malcolm?
Nach eil thu eòlach air Calum?
Don’t you know Malcolm?
Tha mi eòlach air Calum
I know Malcolm
Chan eil mi eòlach air Calum
I don’t know Malcolm