Do you know Calum?
A bheil thu eòlach air Calum?
John, Anne and Finlay used another new structure: eòlach + air
Eòlach means knowledgeable on or acquainted with and is always used with the air preposition.
Questions and answers for eòlach + air

Prepositional pronouns – air
You might want to talk about who other people know without using names. Let’s recap the prepositional pronouns for air (on).
orm | on me | ormsa | on / for me |
ort | on you | ortsa | on / for you |
air | on him / it | airsan | on him / it |
oirre | on her / it | oirrese | on her / it |
oirnn | on us | oirnne | on us |
oirbh | on you | oirbhse | on you |
orra | on them | orrasan | on them |
A bheil thu eòlach air?
Do you know him?
Nach eil thu eòlach oirre?
Don’t you know her?
Tha mi eòlach orra
I know them
Chan eil mi eòlach oirbhse!
I don’t know you!