It's probably | Perhaps it's
'S dòcha gur e | 'S mathaid gur ann
Look at the sentences below and play with the different answers until you're happy with them. There are no wrong answers. Have fun!
'S dòcha gur e
It's probably
an t-itealan
the aeroplane
an trèan(a)
the train
an càr
the car
am baidhsagal
the bike/bicycle
am motar-baidhsagal
the motorbike
as luaithe.
that's fastest.
'S mathaid gur ann
Perhaps it's
aig uair feasgair
at one pm
air a’ bhus
on the bus
air a’ phlèana
on the plane
taobh na drochaid
by the bridge
a thig iad.
that they will come.