There were a few words and phrases there which you can use when talking about transport.
cofhurtail (adj)
cosgail (adj)
costly, expensive
daor (adj)
luath (adj)
prìobhaideach (adj)
slaodach (adj)
dòigh-s(h)iubhail (f)
means of transport
stoidhle (f)
itealan (m)
seit-phlèan (m)
jet (plane)
snas (m)
modh-còmhdhail (m/f)
mode of transport
Grianaig (n)
a’ dol air tìr (vn)
landing, disembarking
a’ dol thall thairis (vn+adv)
going abroad
ciad chlas
first class
Let’s look at them again in context.
a’ dol air tìr ann an Grianaig na làithean seo
landing, disembarking at Greenock these days
ma bhios mi a’ dol thall thairis
if I’m going abroad
nas slaodaiche na itealan
slower than a plane
… cosgail, nas cosgaile na dòigh-siubhail sam bith eile
… expensive, more expensive than any other means of travel
seach seit-phlèan prìobhaideach, dh’fhaodte!
apart from a private jet, possibly!
chan eil an t-itealan idir cho cofhurtail
an aeroplane isn’t at as comfortable.
gun ghuth air stoidhle no snas
not to mention style or class
Saoil an tig Ceiteag air a’ bhus à Grianaig?
Do you think Katy will come on the bus from Greenock?
Cha dèan a’ chùis dhi ach ciad chlas!
For her, nothing less than first class will do!