Landing at Greenock

A' dol air tìr ann an Grianaig

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Chuala mi gu bheil barrachd is barrachd de na bàtaichean mòra sin a' dol air tìr ann an Grianaig na làithean seo.

I heard that more and more of the big ships are landing at Greenock these days.

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Sin a chuala mise cuideachd.

That's what I heard, too.

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Saoilidh mi gur ann air bàta mòr a b' fheàrr leamsa a bhith a' falbh ma bhios mi a' dol thall thairis.

I think it's on a ship that I'd prefer to go, if I'm going abroad.

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Ach saoilidh mise gur e modh-còmhdhail uabhasach slaodach a th' innte—nas slaodaiche na an t-itealan gun teagamh, agus cosgail, nas cosgaile na dòigh-siubhail sam bith eile …

But I think it's a terribly slow mode of transport, slower than a plane, obviously, and expensive, more expensive than any other means of travel …

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… seach seit-phlèan prìobhaideach, dh'fhaodte!

… apart from a private jet, possibly!

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'S e an fhìrinn a th' agad! Ach ged a bhios e nas luaithe agus nas daoire, chan eil an t-itealan idir cho cofhurtail.

You said it! But even though it's faster and dearer, an aeroplane isn't at as comfortable.

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Tha mi leat. Saoilidh mise gur ann air bus mòr san adhar a bhios mi nuair a thèid mi air saor–làithean!

I'm with you. I think that it's just a big bus in the sky when I go on my holidays!

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'S tu fhèin a thuirt e! Cha chreid mi nach e am bàta cuairt-mhara am modh-còmhdhail as cofhurtaile buileach, gun ghuth air stoidhle no snas!

You said it! I think the cruise ship is by far the most comfortable, not to mention style or class!

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Saoil an tig Ceiteag air a' bhus à Grianaig?

Do you think Katy will come on the bus from Greenock?

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Cha tig! Chan ann air a' bhus no air an trèan(a) a thig i. Chan dèan a' chùis dhi ach ciad chlas le dràibhear/chauffeur!

She won't (come)! It's not by bus or train that she'll come. Nothing less than first class with a driver will do for her!