I would come | We would come

Thighinn | Thigeamaid

In the conditional tense the pronouns mi and sinn combine with the verb as one word. An ending –(a)inn is added for mi and –(e)amaid is added for sinn .

With the verb thig (come), we use thiginn to say ‘I would come’ and cha tiginn to say ‘I wouldn’t come’. We use thigeamaid to say ‘we would come’ and cha tigeamaid ‘we wouldn’t come’.

However, we cannot use these forms to answer 'yes' or 'no' to a direction question. In Gaelic 'yes' or 'no' answers do not have a pronoun (or person!). And so, even though mi (I) or sinn (we) would be part of the answer, we use the simple response thigeadh or cha t(h)igeadh . A fuller answer, perhaps a complete sentence, may include verbs with the -(a)inn/-(e)amaid endings, as you can see in the examples below.

An tigeadh tu a dh'Alba?✅ Thigeadh. Thiginn a dh'Alba an-dràsta.
Would you come to Scotland?(I) would (come). I would come to Scotland just now.
An tigeamaid dhachaigh tràth?⛔ Cha tigeadh. Cha tigeamaid dhachaigh idir.
Would we come home early?(We) wouldn't (come). We wouldn't come home at all.
An rachadh tu dhan Fhraing?⛔ Cha rachadh. Rachainn dhan Eadailt!
Would you go to France?(I) wouldn't. I would go to Italy!
An rachamaid dhan Ròimh?✅ Rachadh. Rachamaid dhan Ròimh sa bhad!
Would we go to Rome?(We) would. We would go to Rome right away!
An tigeadh tu a dh'Alba?
Would you come to Scotland?
Thigeadh. Thiginn a dh'Alba an-dràsta.
Yes, I would come to Scotland just now.
An tigeamaid dhachaigh tràth?
Would we come home early?
Cha tigeadh. Cha tigeamaid dhachaigh idir.
(We) wouldn't (come). We wouldn't come home at all.
An rachadh tu dhan Fhraing?
Would you go to France?
Cha rachadh. Rachainn dhan Eadailt!
No, I would go to Italy!
An rachamaid dhan Ròimh?
Would we go to Rome?
Rachadh. Rachamaid dhan Ròimh sa bhad!
Yes, we would go to Rome right away!