There were a few words and phrases there which you can use when talking about the environment.
aire (f)
fianais (f)
witness, evidence
luchd–saidheans (m)
miann (f/m)
wish, desire
òigridh (f)
youth, young people
riaghaltas (m)
Let’s look at them again in context.
Tha luchd–saidheans ag ràdh…
Scientists are saying…
… gus am bi miann làidir gu leòr.
… until there’s a strong enough desire.
Tha mi ‘n dùil gum bi riaghaltasan air feadh an t–saoghail a’ toirt an aire.
I expect that governments throughout the world (will) pay attention.
Tha mòran dhaoine a’ togail fianais mu dheidhinn.
Many people are protesting about it.
… air sgàth na h–àrainneachd agus air sgàth na h-òigridh.
… for the sake of the environment and young people.