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Complete for 2 points

Deiseil airson a' phàrtaidh aig Alasdair

Ready for Alasdair's party

Let’s have a look at this discussion. By the end of this section, you will have learned some valuable phrases that you can use in lots of different conversations.

Halò, Anna. Dè do chor? / Ciamar a tha thu? Hallo, Anna. How are you?
Cor math. Agus ciamar a tha thu fhèin, a Mhàiri? I’m well. And how are you (yourself), Màiri?
Tha mi ann an sunnd agus deiseil airson a’ phàrtaidh aig Alasdair. I’m in good form and ready for Alasdair’s party.
Ciamar a bhios tu a’ faighinn ann? ‘S ann dìreach taobh a-muigh Ghlaschu a bhitheas e, nach ann? How are you getting there? It’s just outside Glasgow, isn’t it?
Carson nach tèid sinn còmhla air a’ bhus nuair a bhios sinn a’ falbh gu deas, ach an uair sin … Why don’t we go together on the bus when we head south, but then …
… an uair sin, bu toil leamsa tilleadh air an trèan(a), agus air a’ bhàt’-aiseig .… then, I would like to return on the train, and on the ferry.
Deagh bheachd! ‘S fhada bhon a rinn mi an turas sin. Good idea! It’s a long time since I made that journey.
Agus iarraidh mi air mo bhràthair Aonghas dràibheadh a-steach dhan bhaile gus ar togail anns an tagsaidh aige. Cha bhi againn ri faradh a phàigheadh! And I’ll ask my brother Angus to drive into town to collect us in his taxi. We won’t have to pay a fare!
Sgoinneil. Cò eile a bhios a’ dol ann? Brilliant (terrific)! Who else is going?
Chuala mi gum bi Coinneach a’ siubhal à California—air a’ phlèan. Uill, chan eil rathad eile ann! I heard that Kenny is travelling from California—on the plane. Well, there’s no other way!
Thuirt Ceiteag rium gum biodh ise a’ tilleadh bhon chuairt-mhara (turas-mara) aice air an latha sin, agus a’ dol air tìr ann an Grianaig. Katy said to me that she’d be returning from her cruise on that day, and landing at Greenock.
Bidh e sònraichte a h-uile duine fhaicinn a-rithist! It’ll be wonderful to see everyone again!