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Complete for 2 points

An dàrna turas: Dè an obair a th’ agad?

Take two: What’s your job?

Look at the conversation again:

A bheil obair agad? Do you have a job?
Tha. A bheil obair agaibh fhèin? Yes, do you have a job yourself?
Tha, mòran taing. I do, many thanks.
’S e ur beatha. You are welcome.
Dè an obair a th’ agad? What’s your job?
’S e neach-leasachaidh a th’ annam. Dè an obair a th’ agaibh fhèin? I am a developer. What’s your own job?
’S e sgrìobhadair a th’ annam. ‘S e tidsear a th’ annam cuideachd. I am a writer. I am also a teacher.