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Bilingual transcription - Air-loidhne: Obraichean

Bilingual transcription - Online: Jobs

Ailis, Anndra, Seumas and Catrìona all meet up online to discuss their jobs.

Halò a Sheumais. A bheil thu trang an-diugh? Hello James. Are you busy today?
Halò Anndra, chan eil. Hello Andrew, I’m not.
A bheil obair agad? Do you have a job?
Tha, tha obair agam. ’S e dràibhear a th’ annam. Tha mi a’ dràibheadh làraidh. A bheil obair agad fhèin? Yes, I have a job. I’m a driver. I drive a lorry. Do you have a job?
Tha. ’S e poileas a th’ annam. Yes. I’m a police officer.
Càit a bheil thu ag obair? Where do you work?
Tha mi ag obair anns a’ bhaile. I work in the town.
Halò a Chatrìona. A bheil obair agad? Hello Catriona. Do you have a job?
Tha. Tha obair agam. Tha mi ag obair an-diugh. Yes, I have a job. I’m working today.
’S e Disathairne a th’ ann. Dè an obair a th’ agad? It’s Saturday. What job do you have?
’S e neach-frithealaidh a th’ annam. I’m a waitress.
Càit a bheil thu ag obair? Where do you work?
Tha mi ag obair ann an cafaidh. Feumaidh mi falbh, tìoraidh! I work in a café. I have to go, bye!
O halò… ehm…. tìoraidh! Oh hello… ehm… goodbye!
Tha Catrìona ag obair an-diugh. ’S e neach-frithealaidh a th’ innte. Katherine is working today. She’s a waitress.
A bheil thusa trang an-diugh Ailis? Are you busy today Alice?
Tha mise trang a h-uile latha. I’m busy every day.
Nach e tidsear a th’ annad? Aren’t you a teacher?
’S e, ‘s e tidsear a th’ annam. Tha mi a’ teagasg ceòl. Air Disathairne tha mi a’ teagasg fidheall. Yes, I’m a teacher. I teach music. On Saturdays I teach fiddle.
Càit a bheil thu ag obair? Where do you work?
Tha mi ag obair anns an dachaigh agam. I work in my own home.