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The Weather

Complete for 2 points

Structair: Dè an latha a tha ann?

Structure: What day is it?

Learn to ask what day of the week it is with Joy.

OK, we know the days of the week, but what happens if we don’t know what day it is? 

Dè an latha a tha ann an-diugh?

What day is it today?

This literally translates as what day is in it today? The structure is very similar to a question we have already met. 

Dè an t-ainm a tha air?

What is his name?

The answer is also similar to what we have seen already. 

’S e … a tha ann an-diugh

It is … today

’S e Diluain a tha ann an-diugh

It is Monday today

Tha assertive verb is is present here. Do you recognise the structure? 

’S e Dimàirt a tha ann an-diugh

It is Tuesday today

Chan e Dimàirt a tha ann an-diugh

It is not Tuesday today

An e Dimàirt a tha ann an-diugh?

Is it Tuesday today?

Nach e Dimàirt a tha ann an-diugh?

Is it not Tuesday today?