It was wet
Bha i fliuch
Let’s look at the existing weather sentences we have learnt and re-create them in the past tense.
Bha i …
It (she) was …
Bha i fliuch
It was wet
Bha i grianach
it was sunny
An robh …?
Was it …?
An robh i garbh?
Was it awful?
An robh i ceòthach?
Was it misty?
Nach robh i fliuch?
Wasn’t it wet?
Nach robh i garbh?
Wasn’t it awful?
Cha robh i fliuch
It was not wet
Cha robh i garbh
It was not awful
An robh dealanach ann?
Was there lightning?
Nach robh stoirm ann?
Was there not a storm?
Nach robh gaoth ann?
Was there not wind?
Bha fras ann
There was a shower