Questions and answers about places
Ceistean is freagairtean mu àitichean
Let’s put that all together!
A bheil thu à Dùn Dè?
Are you from Dundee?
Yes (literally is).
A bheil i às an Eadailt?
Is she from Italy?
Chan eil
No (literally is not)
A bheil iad às an Spàinn?
Are they from Spain?
Yes (literally is).
A bheil Eilidh à Glaschu?
Is Helen from Glasgow?
Chan eil
No (literally is not)
A bheil Ruairidh à Steòrnabhagh?
Is Derek from Stornoway?
Yes (literally is).
A bheil i às an Eadailt?
Is she from Italy?
Chan eil
No (literally is not)
Nach eil e às an Fhraing?
Isn’t he from France?
Chan eil
No (literally is not)
Nach eil Mairead à Inbhir Nis?
Isn’t Margaret from Inverness?
Yes (literally is).