Complete for 2 points

Iolran is buadhairean 

Plurals and adjectives

When we add attributive adjectives to plural nouns, we need to know a few important rules. 

Look at whether the adjective is short or long. If the adjective is a short, one–syllable word, we add –a or –e to the end of the adjective.

bainnsean beaga

little weddings

tidsearan glice

wise teachers

flùraichean mòra

big flowers

flùraichean geala

white flowers

If the adjective is longer than one syllable, we don’t make any changes:  

flùraichean brèagha

beautiful flowers

bainnsean àlainn

beautiful weddings

If the noun forms its plural by slenderising its ending, either by adding –i before the final consonant, or by changing its vowels, we need to lenite the adjective that follows it and add –a or –e to short adjectives: 

òrain mhatha

good songs

òrain ghlice

wise songs

òrain bhrèagha

beautiful songs

coin bheaga

little dogs

coin gheala

white dogs

coin chunnartach

dangerous dogs

Chunnaic mi coin mhòra agus coin bheaga a–muigh air an t–sraid an–dè.

I saw big dogs and small dogs out on the street yesterday.

Am faca tu riamh na Lochan Mòra anns na Stàitean Aonaichte is Canada?

Have you ever seen the Great Lakes in the United States (of America) and Canada?

Abair gun cuala sinn òrain mhatha aig a’ chèilidh a–raoir!

What good songs we heard at the ceilidh last night!

A bheil prògraman inntinneach air an telebhisean aig àm sam bith?

Are there interesting programmes on the television at any time?

Tha na tidsearan glice agus na sgoilearan glice ag ionnsachadh còmhla!

The wise teachers and the wise pupils are learning together!