Cuidich sinn le làrach-lìn SpeakGaelic | Help us with the SpeakGaelic website

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Bilingual transcription: Cuirmean 

Bilingual transcription: Occasions

Watch this clip where Joy gives us some of her useful tips and favourite phrases. 


Agus tha mi dol a thòiseachadh le ceist bhunaiteach. Dè th’ ann an cuirm 

Well it can be a reception, a feast or a large get–together, and, on occasion, even a concert. It’s another of those versatile words which can be used for events where people come together to celebrate. 

Gu tric, bidh sinn a’ cumail cuirmean mòra airson tachartasan no amannan mòra nar beatha a chomharrachadh, to mark or celebrate great life events or times. And examples could be a: 

banais, a wedding, banais 

baisteadh, a baptism or christening, baisteadh or a 

co–là–breith, a birthday, co–là–breith 

And what they all have in common is a desire to congratulate, meala a naidheachd / a chur air, meal a naidheachd a chur air cuideigin.