Complete for 2 points

Aoisean is deitichean 

Ages and dates

We learned about numbers in A1 and A2 and if we talk about special occasions, we need the numbers to talk about ages and dates. In Gaelic people use different systems for counting. 

We saw some of that in our conversation/drama at the start of this section. Màiri and Anna used different systems to say their ages. Anna used the traditional (vigesimal) system: 

Bidh mo cho–là–breith ann air an treas latha air fhichead den Mhàrt.

My birthday is/will be on the 23rd of March.

Bidh mi dà fhichead ‘s a sia air an ath cheann–bliadhna!

I’ll be forty–six on my next birthday!

and Màiri used an riochd deicheach (the decimal form).  

Bidh mo cho–là–breith air an tritheadamh latha dhen Lùnastal.

My birthday is [will be] on the 30th of August.

Bidh mi 30 (trithead) air mo cho–là–breith.

I’ll be 30 (thirty) on my birthday.

To refresh your memory, you can look back to A1: Cuspair 4 and Cuspair 6 agus A2: Cuspair 4 is Cuspair 10. There is also a useful video on the LearnGaelic website.