Complete for 2 points

Dè an aois a bhios tu? 

What age will you be?

Let’s have a look at this discussion. By the end of this section, you will have learned some valuable phrases that you can use in lots of different conversations. 

Cuin a bhios do cho–là–breith ann, Anna? When is [will be] your birthday, Anna?
Bidh mo cho–là–breith ann air an treas latha air fhichead den Mhàrt. Cuin a bhios an co–là–breith agadsa? My birthday is/will be on the 23rd of March. When is [will be] your birthday?
Bidh mo cho–là–breith air an tritheadamh latha dhen Lùnastal. My birthday is/will be on the 30th of August.
Dè an aois a bhios tu an uair sin?  What age will you be then?
Bidh mi 30 (trithead) air mo cho–là–breith. I’ll be 30 (thirty) on my birthday.
Tha mi an dòchas gum bi pàrtaidh agad airson co–là–breith mòr mar sin! I hope you’ll have a party for a big birthday like that!
Chan eil fhios agam a bheil mi cho toilichte mu bhith a’ fàgail nam ficheadan agam agus a bhith nam thritheadan! I don’t know if I am so pleased/happy about leaving my twenties and being in my thirties!
Chan eil thu ach òg! Tha a h–uile co–là–breith a th’ againn prìseil! Bliadhna nas sine, ach bliadhna nas glice? You’re only young! Every birthday we have is precious! A year older, but a year wiser?
A bheil thu a’ smaoineachadh? Do you think so?
Tha gu dearbh. Chan eil ann an aois ach àireamh. Bidh mi dà fhichead ‘s a sia air an ath cheann–bliadhna! I do indeed. Age is nothing but a number. I’ll be forty–six on my next birthday!
Mealaibh ur naidheachd, Anna ghlic! Congratulations, wise Anna!
Meal do naidheachd, a Mhàiri òg! Meal do naidheachd, a Mhàiri òg!