There were a few words and phrases there which you can use when talking about A’ comharrachadh àm no cuirm (Marking a special occasion). Let’s look at some of them again in context.
Sin thu fhèin, Fhionnlaigh!
Well done, Finlay!
Tha mi cho toilichte an naidheachd sin a chluinntinn.
I’m so pleased to hear that news.
Cuin a bhios an ceumnachadh agad ann?
When is your graduation?
Bidh e ann air an dàrna latha fichead dhen Iuchar …
It’s on the 22 July (the twenty–second of July) …
… an latha an dèidh a’ bhaistidh aig nighean mo bhràthar.
… the day after my niece’s [my brother’s daughter’s] christening.
Bidh thu trang a’ deasachadh airson an dà chuirm.
You’ll be busy preparing for two occasions.
Fhuair mi cuireadh gu banais mo cho–ogha
I got an invitation to my cousin’s wedding
Bidh mise nam bhean an taighe…
I will be bean an taighe (host/MC)…
…aig cuirm–chiùil ann an talla a’ bhaile
…in the village hall at a music concert
Am bi iad tric a’ cumail chèilidhean no cuirmean–ciùil traidiseanta aig deireadh a’ Chèitein?
Do they often have ceilidhs or traditional music concerts at the end of May?
Tha iad a’ comharrachadh co–là–breith an talla
they’re celebrating/marking the birthday of the hall
Bidh e ceud bliadhna air a’ mhìos seo
it will be a hundred years old this month
Tha mi ‘n dòchas gum bi oidhche mhath agaibh.
I hope you have a good night.
Bidh mi fhèin agus an duine agam a’ comharrachadh deich bliadhna pòsta.
Myself and my husband will be celebrating/marking ten years married.
Tha e coltach gum bi sinn trang le cuirmean is cèilidhean fad an t–samhraidh …
It looks as if we’ll both be busy with celebrations and ceilidhs all summer …
… gun ghuth air fèilltean is fèisean.
… not to mention [without a mention of] feasts and festivals.
… airidh air deoch an dorais
… deserve ‘one for the road’
‘S math a rinn thu!
Well done!
Meal do naidheachd, Fhionnlaigh!
Congratulations, Finlay!
Mealaibh ur naidheachd, Anna!
Congratulations [to you both], Anna!
We’ll catch up with some more of these as well as adding some new words and phrases to our vocabulary as we progress through this lesson.