People may not work for a number of reasons and we will look at them just now.
leave, furlough
fòrladh màthaireil
maternity leave
fòrladh athaireil
paternity leave
We can use similar structures to the ones we know and use!
Tha mi air fòrladh màthaireil
I am on maternity leave
Tha mi gun obair
I am unemployed
Tha mi air m’ obair a leigeil dhìom
I have retired.
Chan eil mi ag obair an-dràsta
I don’t work just now.
Chan eil mi ag obair a-nis
I don’t work now.
Chan eil fhathast!
Not yet!
‘S e oileanach a th’ annam
I am a student.
‘S e sgoilear a th’ annam
I am a pupil.
You may also hear this, but we will go over the grammar in this statement further on in SpeakGaelic.
Leig mi dhìom mo dhreuchd
I retired