Tea is better
Tha tì nas fheàrr
Let’s have a look at this conversation. By the end of this short section, you will be able to have this conversation!

An toil leat cofaidh Eadailteach?
Do you like Italian coffee?

Tha tì nas fhèarr.
Tea is better.

Nach toil leat cofaidh?
Do you not like coffee?

Is toil leam cofaidh ach tha tì nas fheàrr.
I like coffee but tea is better.

Ceart. An toil leat tì le bainne no siùcar?
Right. Do you like tea with milk or sugar?

Is toil leam tì gun bhainne is gun shiùcar.
I like tea without milk and sugar.

Ghia! Tha cofaidh nas fheàrr na tì!
Yuck! Coffee is better than tea.

Tha sibh ceàrr. Tha tì nas fheàrr na cofaidh.
You are wrong. Tea is better than coffee.

Is beag orm tì ach is fior thoil leam cofaidh.
I hate tea but I love coffee.

Carson nach toil leibh tì? ’S e tì an deoch as fheàrr!
Why don’t you like tea? Tea is the best drink!

Cha toil leam idir e! ’S e fìon dearg an deoch as fheàrr!
I don’t like it at all! Red wine is the best drink!