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a bhith
to be
We have met to be in the past bha (was), in the present, tha (is) and the future and the habitual present – bidh (will be). However, we need to know the infinitive a bhith (to be).
Use it in the same context as to be in English.
An toil leat snàmh?
Do you like to swim?
An toil leat a bhith a’ snàmh?
Do you like to be swimming?
It’s useful to learn at this point as it allows us to extend our conversations.
Cuin as toil leat a bhith ag ithe?
When do you like to be eating?
Ciamar as toil leis a bhith ag ithe?
How does he like to be eating?
Carson as toil leatha a bhith ag ithe?
Why does she like to be eating?
Dè as toil leat a bhith ag ithe?
What do you like to be eating?