From bad to worse

Bho dhona gu nas miosa

What happens if something is worse rather than better? Never fear, we have the info.

nas miosa
as miosa
the worst

How do I use nas miosa?

Use nas miosa in the same way you use dona. It is a comparative adjective.

Tha buntàta dona
Potatoes are bad
Tha cèic nas miosa
Cake is worse
Tha briosgaidean nas miosa
Biscuits are worse

How do I compare two items and say one is worse than the other?

Use the word na to make comparisons between two things.

Tha measan nas miosa na glasraich
Fruit is worse than vegetables
Tha briosgaidean nas miosa na isbeanan
Biscuits are worse than sausages
Tha marag-dhubh nas miosa na cèic
Black pudding is worse than cake
Tha tì nas miosa na uisge-beatha
Tea is worse than whisky

How do I say the worst?

If you want to say something is the worst, then you need to use Is e, or ’s e – the assertive verb as you are asserting something.

Is e seo am buntàta as miosa
This is the worst potato
Is e sin a’ chèic as miosa
That is the worst cake
Is e siud na briosgaidean as miosa
Those are the worst biscuits over there
Tha ugh dona ach tha marag-dhubh nas miosa ach ’s e isbeanan am biadh as miosa
An egg is bad but black pudding is worse but sausages are the worst food
Tha e dona
It / He is bad
Tha i nas miosa
It / She is worse
Tha mi nas miosa
I am worse
Tha an aimsir nas miosa
The weather is worse