Take two: Anne's meals

An dàrna turas: Biadh Anna

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Cuin as toil leibh a bhith ag òl cofaidh?

When do you like to be drinking coffee?

Is toil leam a bhith ag òl cofaidh gach madainn.

I like to be drinking coffee every morning.

Cuin as toil leibh a bhith ag ithe ur bracaist?

When do you like to be eating your breakfast?

Is toil leam a bhith ag ithe mo bhracaist aig sia uairean sa mhadainn.

I like to be eating my breakfast at six in the morning.

Dè as toil leat a bhith ag ithe airson ur bracaist gach latha?

What do you like to be eating for your breakfast every day?

Is toil leam a bhith ag ithe hama agus uighean ach bidh mi ag ithe brochan gu tric.

I like to be eating ham and eggs but I eat porridge often.

Dè as toil leat a bhith ag ithe airson ur lòn?

What do you like to be eating for your lunch?

Is toil leam a bhith ag ithe ceapaire is brot.

I like eating a sandwich and soup.

An do dh’ith sibh brot is ceapairean an-diugh?

Did you eat sandwiches and soup today?

Dh’ith. Dh’ith mi ceapairean le sailead is càise.

I did. I ate sandwiches with salad and cheese.

Am bi sibh ag ithe a-nochd?

Will you be eating tonight?

Bidh! Bidh mi ag ithe dinnear! Bidh mi ag ithe iasg agus sliseagan.

I will! I will eat dinner! I will eat fish and chips.