Feuch e: What did John’s father say?
Feuch e: Dè thuirt athair Iain?
Siuthad! Your turn now. Read John’s part.
Answer the questions with your favourite responses. Just have fun as this is not a test, you can’t go wrong.

Dè thuirt do phiuthar ri d’ athair?
What did your sister say to your dad?

Nach tuirt mo mhàthair ribh? Bha mise a’ smaoineachadh gun d’ fhuair sibhse an naidheachd againn.
Didn’t my mother say? I thought you received our news.

Ist! Cha d’ fhuair. Cha tuirt Mairead càil rium.
Shoosh! I didn’t. Margaret didn’t say anything to me.

Fhuair mi dà phìos naidheachd.
I received two pieces of news.


Thuirt mo phiuthar ri m’ athair gun robh mo phiuthar eile trom.
My sister said to my father that my other sister was pregnant.

Awww, tha sin àlainn. Bha mi a’ smaoineachadh gun robh do mhàthair glè thoilichte.
Awww, that’s lovely. I thought your mother was very happy.

Ach thuirt i rudeigin eile ri m’ athair.
But she said something else to my father.

Uill, dè thuirt i? Tha mi a’ smaoineachadh gu bheil thu a’ gabhail brath orm a-rithist.
Well, what did she say? I think you are taking advantage of me again.

An tuirt mi ribh gu bheil i a’ fuireach ann an Dùn Bheagan anns an Eilean Sgitheanach?
Did I say to you that she lives in Dunvegan in the Isle of Skye?

Cha tuirt. Ach dè thuirt i? Cuin a bhios pàiste aig do phiuthar eile?
You didn’t say. What did she say? When will your other sister have her baby.

Anns an t-Samhain, tha mi a’ smaoineachadh?
In September, I think?

Awww, tha mise a’ smaoineachadh gu bheil sin mìorbhaileach. An e gille no nighean a bhios ann?
Awww, I think that’s just marvellous. Is it going to be a boy or a girl?

Cha tuirt m’ athair sin. Bha e a’ bruidhinn ri mo phiuthar agus thuirt ise gun robh eucoir ann an Dùn Bheagan.
My father didn’t say that. He was talking to my sister and she said there was a crime in Dunvegan.

Dè? An tuirt e tuilleadh?
What? Did he say more?

He did.

Uill, a bhalaich, dè thuirt e?
Well, boy, what did he say?

Tha am pathadh orm, tha mi a’ smaoineachadh gu bheil ceapaire agam. An toil leibh tì?
I am thirsty, I think I have a sandwich. Do you like tea?