Irregular verbs
Gnìomhairean neo-riaghailteach
Let’s look at the table of irregular verbs again.
Òrdugh | Command | An tràth caithte | The past tense |
abair / can | say | thuirt | said |
beir | catch | rug | caught |
cluinn | hear | chuala | heard |
dèan | do | rinn | made |
faic | see | chunnaic | saw |
faigh | get | fhuair | got |
rach | go | chaidh | went |
ruig | arrive | ràinig | came |
thoir | give | thug | gave |
thig | come | thàinig | came |
Fhuair is simple enough, you just use fhuair with the structures we learnt to form the past tense.
An d’ fhuair …?
Did … get?
Nach d’ fhuair … ?
Didn't … get?
Fhuair …
… got
Cha d’ fhuair …
…didn't get