Complete for 2 points

An dàrna turas: Bùth Mhàiri

Take two: Mary's shop

You can use other sentences like this too! 

A Mhàiri, madainn mhath! Ciamar a tha thu? Mary, good morning! How are you?
Tha mise gu dòigheil, ciamar a tha thu fhèin? I’m great, how are you yourself?
Tha mise gu math. A bheil thu ag obair an seo? I’m well. Do you work here?
Tha mi ag obair air mo cheann fhèin. Tha bùth agam, uill, seo a’ bhùth agam. Fàilte! I am self-employed. I have a shop, well, this is my shop. Welcome!
Aw, ceud taing. Tha i fuar an-diugh, tha mi fuar. Aw, a hundred thanks. It’s cold today, I am cold.
Tha mi a’ smaoineachadh gu bheil i nas miosa an-diugh. I think it is worse today.
A bheil còta agad? Do you have a coat?
Tha, tha còtaichean agam. Yes, I have coats.
Dè an dath a tha air? What colour is it?
Dè an dath as fheàrr leat? What’s your favourite colour?
Is toil leam dubh, purpaidh, pinc, gorm agus buidhe, ach is e glas an dath as fheàrr leam. Is toil leam an dath a tha air an sgiort a tha ort. I like black, purple, pink, blue and yellow, but grey is my favourite colour. I like the colour that is on your skirt.
Aw, mìle taing, Anna. Tha i donn. Aw, a thousand thanks, Anna. It’s brown.
A bheil an sgiort sin agad anns a’ bhùth? Do you have that skirt in the shop?
Tha. Yes.
A bheil ad agad? Have you got a hat?
Tha. Tha adan agam. Yes. I have hats.
A bheil geansaidh agad? Have you got a jumper?
Tha. Tha geansaidh no dhà agam. Yes. I have a jumper or two.
Taghta! Excellent!
Dè tha ort an-dràsta? What are you wearing just now?
Tha briogais, lèine-t is brògan orm. Tha mi fuar. I have trousers, a t-shirt and shoes on. I am cold.