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Dè na tha an sgiort phinc seo?

How much is this pink skirt?

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Tha i caogad not ach sgillinn.

It is fifty pounds but a penny (£49.99).

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Cho daor ris an aran mhilis. Cuir i air a’ chairt. Agus an còta dubh seo? Dè a’ phrìs a tha air?

As expensive as shortbread. Put it on the card. And this black coat? What price is it?

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Tha e snog. Tha e ochdad 's a còig notaichean.

It is nice. It is eighty five pounds.

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Tha mi a’ smaoineachadh gu bheil e àlainn. Cuir e air a’ chairt.

I think that it's lovely. Put it on the card.

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Tha e snog. An toil leat an dreasa ghlas seo?

It is nice. Do you like this grey dress?

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Is toil. Is fìor thoil leam i. Cuir i air a’ chairt.

I do like it. I really like it. Put it on the card.

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Tha i seasgad not.

It is sixty pounds.

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Dè tha sin uile a' cosg?

How much does this all cost?

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Dà cheud ‘s a còig notaichean ach sgillinn.

Two hundred and five pounds, but a penny (£204.99).

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Bidh mi cho bochd ri radan eaglais!

I'll be as poor as a church rat!

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Ach bidh thu blàth!

But you will be warm!

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Chan eil sgillinn ruadh agam ach tha thu ceart, bidh mi blàth.

I don't have a copper penny but you're right, I will be warm.