Complete for 2 points

Cruinneachadh an teaghlaich – Dèanta! 

The family gathering - Dèanta!


You should now be confident about: 

A’ cleachdadh ainmearan gnìomhaireach le seilbheirean roimhearach – gam, gad, ga, ga/ga h-, gar/gar n, gur/gur n, gan/gam | Using verbal nouns with prepositional possessives – gam, gad, ga, ga/ga h-, gar/gar n, gur/gur n, gan/gam

S math a rinn thu! 

You have learnt to talk about the family gathering in Gaelic! Why not take this mini-test to see how well you’re doing?

Let’s do it

Maybe later Loading