Complete for 2 points

Dè cho tric ’s a bhios tu a’ faicinn do bhràthair?

How often do you see your brother?

Here are these handy phrases one more time. 

dè cho tric ‘s a … ?

how often …?



a h-uile


gach Disathairne

each/every Saturday

a h-uile seachdain

each/every week

cho tric ‘s as urrainn dhomh

as often as I can

bho àm gu àm

from time to time

an dràsta ‘s a-rithist

occasionally; now and again

corra uair


And a couple of extra ones 

gu h-ainneamh


glè ainneamh

very rarely

ro thric

very often/too often!

Let’s put that all together. 

Dè cho tric ’s a bhios tu a’ faicinn do bhràthair?

How often do you see your brother?

Bidh mi a’ faicinn mo bhràthair gach Disathairne.

I see my brother every Saturday

Play with the questions and answers until you are happy with dè cho tric …? (how often …?). 

Dè cho tric ‘s a bhios tu

How often do you
a’ faighinn dhachaigh get home a’ tilleadh a Bharraigh return to Barra a’ faicinn do sheanmhair? see your granny

Dè cho tric ‘s a bhios tu a’ dol dhachaigh? 

How often do you go home? 

Bidh mi a’ dol dhachaigh

I go home
bho àm gu àm from time to time cho tric ’s as urrainn dhomh as often as I can a h-uile seachdain each week gach latha each day a h-uile latha every day a h-uile bliadhna every year gach Diluain each Monday a h-uile Disathairne every Saturday gach dàrna seachdain every second week a h-uile mìos every month turas gach mìos once a month uair sa mhìos once a month