May I ask you a question?
Am faod mi ceist a chur ort?
So far, we have seen simple sentences using faod (may, might) and feum (must, need to) but when faod or feum have a direct object , the order of the sentence is changed using iomlaid (inversion). A sentence such as 'Tha mi a' gabhail biadh' becomes ' Am faod mi biadh a ghabhail?
Am faod mi ceist a chur ort? | Faodaidh. Faodaidh tu ceist a chur orm. |
Am faod mi deoch fhaighinn dhut? | Chan fhaod. Faodaidh tu biadh fhaighinn dhomh! |
Am faod iad Gàidhlig ionnsachadh ? | Faodaidh! Faodaidh a h-uile duine Gàidhlig ionnsachadh . |
We can see that the verbal noun lenites where possible and we use the infinitive particle a before the verb. This a disappears when the verbal noun starts with a vowel , or f + vowel .
Tha | thu | a' dràibheadh | a' chàr |
Bha | e | a' leughadh | leabhar |
Bha | i | ag òl | deoch |
Thèid | iad | a dh'fhaicinn | an fhilm |
Faodaidh | tu | an càr | a | dhràibheadh |
Feumaidh | e | leabhar | a | leughadh |
Faodaidh | i | deoch | òl | |
Feumaidh | iad | am film | fhaicinn |
That's quite a lot to take in! Perhaps easier it's easier to see these in context. In the conversation in the previous section, we saw and heard a few examples.
Am faod mi an càr agam a chur dhan gharaids agad?
May I put my car in your garage?
Am faod mi am baidhsagal agam fhàgail an àiteigin?
May I leave my bike somewhere?
Nach fhaod mi deoch fhaighinn dhut, Anna?
(May I not …) Can't I get you a drink, Anne?
Am faod mi an taigh-beag agad a chleachdadh?
May I use your toilet?
Faodaidh tu an taigh-beag a chleachdadh a-nis!
You may use the toilet now!
and also in the conversation in this section:
Feumaidh mi biadh fhaighinn mus tèid sinn gu pàrtaidh Dhòmhnaill.
I need to get something to eat (food) before we go to Donald's party.
Am feum?
Do you (need to)?
I do (need to).
Nach fheum thu rudeigin ithe?
Don't you need to eat something?
Chan fheum.
I don't.
Feumaidh mi deoch òl mus tèid sinn ann.
I need a drink before we go there.
Feumaidh mi airgead fhaighinn.
I need to get money.
Feumaidh mi botal fìona a cheannach aig a' bhùth.
I must buy a bottle of wine at the shop.
Feumaidh mise a dhol dhachaigh mus tèid sinn chun a' phàrtaidh agus aodach-pàrtaidh spaideil a chur orm!
But I need to go home before we go to the party and put on some smart party clothes!